Heart Experts Says, sitting isn't the best choice...

Research and evidence has shown that sitting for too long can cause heart disease, in which there are chances that could lead to heart failure and subsequently lead to diabetes, even people who do exercise are also at risk, said by the American Heart Association.

The problem is that one can’t determine just how inactive people are and there’s not enough evidence yet to show just how much, or how often, you have to exercise to hinder the effects of sitting, the group said in a scientific update.

The heart association’s team of experts advised. “In the meantime, then, people should try to sit less and move more often”.
 “The evidence to date is highly based on suggestion, but not conclusive, that sedentary behavior contributes to cardiovascular disease and diabetes risk,” a team led by Deborah Rohm Young, of Kaiser Permanent, Southern California wrote. 

“Given the current state of the science on sedentary behavior and in the absence of sufficient data to give a quantitative guidelines, I think it is appropriate we promote the suggestion, “Sit less, move more”.

At least 30 minutes a day of moderate exercise by walking briskly rather than just strolling around the house, should be the minimum goal, they advise.
“It is wise and appropriate to promote the suggestion, “Sit less, move more”.

And it may be worthwhile to encourage desk-bound workers to get up and move a bit every hour or so to keep fit and reduce the risk of heart failure and diabetes.

Yet even this may not outweigh the effects of sitting at a computer all day, driving home in a car, and then relaxing in front of the TV or with a tablet computer.

we should not forget forget to promote the suggestion, "sit less, move more". By this means we can be sure of remaining healthy for a long time and be free of certain diseases.
“Regardless of how much physical activity someone gets, prolonged sedentary time could negatively impact the health of your heart and blood vessels,” Said by a heart expert.

“There are many important factors we don’t understand about sedentary time yet. The types of studies available identify trends but don’t prove cause and effects,” experts added.
Sitting And Other Defined Sedimentary Behaviours That Can Kill You.

They include sitting, reclining, or lying down while awake as well as reading, watching television or working on the computer. Light housework or slow, leisure walking doesn’t rise to the level of moderate or vigorous physical activity.

It’s really advisable to exercise for at least 30 minutes a day, to avoid or reduce the chance of being infected of heart disease or diabetes.

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