Syrian Army Kills Over 200 Isis Militants In Three-day Offensive

The Syrian Arab Army released graphic images of dead bodies lying dead in a desert Deir Ezzor airport, seen here in 2013, has been a key location for battles throughout the Syrian civil war. The Syrian army claims to have killed more than 200 Isis militants in a three-day assault on the eastern city of Deir ez-Zor.

A spokesperson for the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) said Isis is thought to have suffered the heavy casualties as it struggled to maintain control over the western district of the provincial capital.
The number was reported by the Al-Masdar news agency, though it cannot be independently verified and Isis releases no information on casualties.
Deir ez-Zor has been under Isis control since the beginning of 2015. In January, the SAA supported by Russian jets led a counter attack to recapture some occupied areas.
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the number of Isis militants killed in clashes “rose to 50”.
Photos were released by the Syrian Arab Army’s 104th Airbourne Brigade, which they claim show Isis fighters lying dead across the desert of Deir ez-Zor – the seventh largest city in Syria.
The SAA also posted a graphic video of what they described as the “aftermath of Isis’ attack in Dair al-Zoor” on their Facebook page.
Isis are thought to have lost several field commanders during the battle, reports AhluBayt news agency.
The state news agency Sana reported that regime forces took back a hospital in Deir ez-Zor where Isis had allegedly taken doctors, patients and civilians hostage.

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